Rapp Strategies, Inc.

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Rapp Strategies Rundown – July 2018

What we’re reading, listening to and thinking about this month.

Todd R.: I am a sucker for Wimbledon (unbelievable number of upsets in the Ladies’ Draw this year). One of my sons gave me Finding God in the Waves by Mike McHargue. If he thinks I should read it, I’m in! Cabin listening over the July 4th week was “70’s on 7” on SiriusXM.  We all need a little Poco tossed into our barbecues. 

Todd S.: I'm going to make a point to see the movie, "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" about the life and career of Fred Rogers, the host and creator of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. Beyond his legacy for teaching children love, tolerance and understanding, Rogers was a remarkable communicator. He sharply focused on his key themes and messages, then creatively and poignantly delivered them in ways that engaged generations of young people. His messaging approach – personal engagement, simplified points, anecdotes, imagery – is textbook communications work, and a good lesson for serious communications specialists.

Sarah: After being pestered by friends for over a year to watch “Man in the High Castle,” I finally did. I have zero regrets about binging this fantastic show set in a dystopian alternative version of the 1960’s where Germany and Japan won WWII. Knox and Jamie of “The Popcast” often accompany me on my daily walk to and from work. A podcast that’s “dedicated to delightful idiocy and committed to educating on things that entertain, but do not matter,” they offer hilarious takes on everything from slang via Urban Dictionary to seasonal movie previews.

Aaron: Ian Fleming’s original James Bond series will keep me preoccupied throughout July. The three titles on the docket are Dr. No, Thunderball, and Diamonds are Forever.  

Anna: I recently finished A Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner, an evocative novel that moves between the perspective of a nurse on Ellis Island in 1911 and a single mom in New York City ten years after 9/11. I have also started to receive afternoon updates from The Star Tribune, which has been a helpful way to catch up on news before the end of the work day.

Andrea: Sometimes, I find myself binge watching fitness videos on YouTube. A favorite channel is “Athlean-X,” where physical therapist and strength coach Jeff Cavaliere takes you beyond ordinary fitness and into the science behind nutrition, the muscular system and overall athleticism.