Rapp Strategies, Inc.

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Rapp Strategies Rundown – January 2019

 What we’re reading, listening to and thinking about this month.

Todd R.: I’m working my way through Season 2 of “The Wire,” and just finished Season 6 of “House of Cards”– a confusing season, but still underrated. I also purchased my first subscription to a podcast: “CAFE Insider” with Preet Bharara and Anne Milgram. It’s the best Monday-morning analysis of what’s going on in D.C. And one of these days I need to watch “Ocean’s 8.”

Todd S.: I have been trying to catch up on movies nominated for Oscars, because it’s always fun to have an informed opinion on the nominees. While I have seen several of the films who have received nominations, I still need to watch “Roma,” “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “If Beale Street Could Talk,” among a few others, before Oscar night next month.

Sarah: The cold weather has kept me indoors and on a Netflix kick. First, I tidied up with Marie Kondo and got rid of anything in my apartment that didn’t bring me joy (aka, way too much stuff). Next, I watched the inspiring documentary “Meru” which follows an elite team of mountaineers as they set out to conquer Meru Peak’s Shark’s Fin Route, “one of the most coveted lines in the entire Himalaya.” This doc sent me down a serious Google rabbit hole about mountaineering, Conrad Anker discovering George Mallory’s body on Everest, the team, the stunning photos from the expedition and all the crazy things that happened while they conquered a life-long dream.

Aaron: The new year brings a new annual reading challenge. In 2019, I hope to read two books a month. In January I’ve read “Wabi Sabi,” Francesc Miralles Contijoch’s 2014 sequel to Love in Lowercase and will end the month finishing the Minnesota Historical Society-funded “Thank You for Shopping: The Golden Age of Minnesota Department Stores” by Kristal Leebrick.

Anna: This month, I devoured Katie Ganshert’s three-book series, The Gifting, which tackles a 1984-esque America, the supernatural battle between good and evil, and coming of age all in one unputdownable package. I also enjoyed “When the English Fall” by David Williams, which features an apocalypse through the eyes of an Amish farmer and his family.  

Andrea: At the end of the year, Spotify creates a playlist of your most-listened to songs of the year. I’ve been playing my 2018 playlist on repeat for a couple weeks now. With artists like SZA, Jorja Smith, Sabrina Claudio, Xavier Omar and Kendrick, how can you not? I’ve also been doing extensive reading and research on physical therapy practices for lower back pain, and I’m continually amazed by the complexity and adaptivity of the human body.